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14 Reasons
Why Go Digital

Abreast With Your Competition
Customer is leaning more and more towards digital media and your competitor is going digital to cater to them. As this happens you have only two choices i.e. to go digital and acquire you customer or lose him/her to your competition.

First Gateway
Web/digital presence is the first quick gateway to the newly established company's identity and recognition. Today a name heard is a name typed on google! So why not open the first gateway to your brand!

Customer Acquisition
Customer acquisition modules integrated within your digital assets allows you to acquire ‘leads’ and customer database. Your customer who is researching about your products online, probably wants to consider you for purchase. Your website presence has done its job! Your sales cycle has begun much before the customer walks in or picks up the phone to call you!

Increased Use of Digital Media
With the internet data costs falling and the availability of free wi-fi, digital media is become a way of life To add to it, the shift to extensive mobile usage, browsing is 24X7 on the go. Internet users are now researching, purchasing and reviewing products at the drop of the hat. Gone are the days where only large businesses chose to be online. In today’s scenario however small your business is, you need to get listed online to get noticed. Your presence on digital media in the smallest way can catch your consumer’s attention which can give your revenue a spike.

Cost Effective Marketing
Promoting your business on digital platforms is definitely more cost effective than TV, Radio & Print and also ROIs can be measured more precisely. The first cost reduction is on the media purchase .Where TV, print and radio spots can cost a lot per spot, digital media gives you the option of cost -per-click where you pay only when your ads are ‘clicked’. Another huge advantage is that you know how many people have clicked your ads in actual numbers and your ROI can be calculated. This also helps you in tweaking your campaign ads on the go with minimal or no cost unlike an outdoor hoarding or a TV ad optimisation cost.

Business is on the go!
As you digitize your business for more and more of its operations, you will see that you can monitor and optimize it on the go with just your cell phone and laptop from anywhere in the world .From a simple communication tool like the email to complex systems like the ERP, CRM ,Inventory, accounts ,HR etc can all be accessed and viewed online. In fact with the mobile revolution these systems are now in the form of apps and your business is literally in the palm of your hand!

Increased use of Cash less transactions or e-wallets
With the global population shifting to cashless transactions using e-wallets, the businesses not just need to be digitally present but also need to provide digital payments. An increasing amount of businesses are now providing an online purchase or payment facility as their consumers demanding it. And this is true from shop establishment that accepts payments by credit cards and e-wallets to the ecommerce platforms, online market places, administrative services, OTT platforms and many more. So a business needs to first go digital before going cash less!

Show Case
In the current scenario, among many industries it has been observed that the sales cycle begins when the customer is browsing through websites/digital assets. He/she makes up his/her mind towards buying the service/product while browsing itself! A good digital strategy provides an instant platform for a company to showcase products/services for their B2B or B2C audiences.

Announcements /Updates
The various digital assets in your digital strategy help you to make announcements or give updates to your customers on the go so that they remain updated. And you don’t have to buy media every time you need to make one. To begin with you can simply start by declaring on your website or social media pages without any time lost.

Be There Where Your Customer Is
Just imagine a situation where customers are searching for your company’s offerings all over the internet and they cannot reach you because you do not have a digital presence. This could mean loss of business for you and your loss is your competitor’s gain. Don’t you think it is critical that you pop up when customers are looking for you or your offerings?

Analytics and Reports
No other media as digital media gives you such precise analytics on audience interaction with your brand! The reports give analytics on not just the number of interactions but also on how they came, the devices they came from, the actions taken etc. The intelligence that comes out of these reports is a gold mine for your business optimisation.

Campaigns / Promotions
Digital marketing campaigns are a part of your digital strategy .The campaigns delivered on this media can be targeted precisely to audience and can be optimised on the go. And some of them can be run with negligible costs unlike traditional media campaigns. So if your audience is present online, you need online campaigns to target them.