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Social Media Marketing Services
The current times have seen consumers or audiences acting as influencers to buyers. These influencers are not known to the consumers but could be anyone who has used the brand services or products. Gone are the days when a service or product was bought by merely seeing a promotion. The buying process is strongly influenced by opinions and reviews of buyers who have experienced the brand/products and express their opinion on social media very openly about them. So whether a business/brand is present on social media or not , the buzz about them could be present. It will be only beneficial for a brand to ride on this buzz to build further traction for themselves or to manage negative influencers. Social Media marketing services from Digital Direxions can help you to do just that.
How do we create a social media marketing strategy for you?
Our social media marketing strategy approach is to understand your business , audience and your competitor’s social media presence to deliver plans for the social media platforms that are apt for your business and where you audience exist . We could classify our social media marketing services as below.

Social Media Strategy
We design the most suitable social media strategy based on exhaustive brainstorming with your teams. Here the social media platforms such as facebook, linkedin , twitter, Youttube, Instagram, pinterest etc are chosen for the brand with a scientific approach considering the business ,audience ,objectives etc. The strategy is built for the brand as whole and then on monthly and weekly basis.

Social Media Branding
This includes trust and brand building activities on appropriate social media channels which is planned in the strategy. The branding activities include building themes and rich content around it and further creating a content calendar or schedule around it.

Social Media Monitoring
In Social Media Monitoring we monitor the social media channels for mentions and discussions about your brand and respond to the audience as per regulations laid by you. Additionally we also pass the queries and questions to you as and when posted by the consumers so that you can deal with it at your end as required.

Social Media Advertising
Paid Social media marketing is about direct promotions to your audience on social media platforms that offer it. This allows you to target your audience most precisely based on location ,demographics and interests .The exhaustive reports extracted ,allow constant optimization of the campaigns. We take care of the these end to end. All we need from you is the content .